Prayer/Study Groups

Prayer/Study Groups

Fatima Apostolate

This devotion to Blessed Mother Mary is held at St. Joseph Church every Saturday morning after Mass with confession heard before Mass, Spiritual readings, prayer petitions and the rosary follow. Contact Vicki Huelat 219-324-3861.

Prayer Chain/Prayer Tree

Our Parish Prayer Chain exists to serve our Parish Family and friends in time of need. To submit a prayer request, go to our website home page and click on the praying hands icon and fill out the request form. Your prayer request will go to our Prayer Chain. You can also use the form to update the Prayer Chain or to thank them for their prayers. To call in a prayer request, contact Donna Wagner at 219-363-1516 or Jean at 219-716-3414. Do you want to join our team dedicated to praying for our parish and community's needs? There is a form online at the prayer chain link to join and you will receive emails with the prayer intentions. You can also join the phone-tree prayer chain by calling Donna Wagner at 219-363-1516. 

Adult Scripture Study

Dive deeper into the Word of God with a study of the Bible led by Tom Rothbauer. Two opportunities are available: Wednesday mornings from 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 at Sacred Heart Activity Center or Wednesday Evening session at St. Peter Ministry Center from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Information: 219-921-6990,

Adult Book Study

A fall and Lenten faith sharing program for people who want to explore current authors and topics of the Catholic tradition. Book topics are announced one month prior to each study. Fall groups meet for 7 weeks from the end of September to early November. The Lenten series begins the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and concludes during Holy Week. Groups meet Tuesday mornings from 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. or in the evening from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart Activity Center. For more information, contact Frank Zolvinski at, 219-575-1090.

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