The Eucahrist is the source and summit of our Faith. Because of this, we put great importance on the Sunday Experience. We want everyone who comes to our Masses to leave feeling inspired and enlivend to spread the Good News of the Gospel - the saving power of Jesus Christ. Become a part of this important team of volunteers!
1 Peter 4:10
Volunteers to our Liturgical Ministries are always welcome! To become a part of the team that helps to enliven the Sunday Experience, contact: Maggie LeRoy 219-326-1837 or
Volunteers welcome fellow parishioners, guests and visitors before Masses and help them to a seat. They also gather collections, guide communion, distribute bulletins and handle emergencies. This is one of the most important ministries to help make our parish a warm and welcoming place that everyone can call home.
Lectors make announcements, read the prayers of the faithful, and proclaim the Word of God during the Mass.
Children who have received First Holy Communion (typically 3rd grade and above) assist the priest during the Mass.
Lay ministers distribute the Eucharist at liturgies and local nursing homes.
Parishioners of all ages are invited to enhance the liturgy through their musical gifts at each of our three churches. Vocalists and musicians are invited to participate in any of our choirs. If you are interested, contact our Music Director Patrick Watterson at
This ministry is responsible for taking care of the Sacristy, arranging liturgical books, vestments and other things that are necessary for the celebration of the Mass. Contact the the Church Office for more information: 219-362-2815.
Individuals assist in maintaining the beauty of our Church according to the Liturgical Seasons.
To Mail in your financial support, please make a check out Holy Family Parish and mail it to:
Holy Family Parish
201 Bach St
LaPorte, IN 46350
Thank you and God Bless you for your continued support of our Parish.
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